I’ve heard a lot of people say things like…
“I don’t think I’m ready for a yoga class, everyone is so much better than me at it.”
“I’m not flexible enough for that!”
“I’m too old for yoga.”
And to hear these kinds of statements straight up bothers me. Why? Because I have witnessed so many beautiful healings happen in people of all ages, not when they went to the doctor to get another pill or went straight to surgery without even trying a natural method first. I saw these healing once they found their body stewardship practices that support them best. This looks different for everyone and yogic movement may not be for everyone. There’s a lot to yoga and it is quite the journey if you choose to take it on. Other movements can be Qi Gong, Thai Chi, basic stretches you learned in gym class even! Remember those physical therapy stretches you learned for that surgery? Do those again! Finding a way to lengthen and release stored tensions and emotions in the body leads to a sense of self worth, ability to achieve goals and live life more freely without the limitations of pain.
I teach easy to follow yoga classes centered around body awareness, breath connection and internal reflection. If you're local to Eagle,ID I hold classes the 1st,3rd&4th Saturdays of each month.
I can see why it feels so daunting to attend a class...
- People watching you (when really they aren’t)
- lack of flexibility (when the practice can be suited to your abilities)
- past injuries that are keeping you from doing most things in life (there's a way to adapt it for your needs)
The simple truth is that the movements and postures of yoga can be a very healing tool in your bank of self-care practices. Invest in you.
You may just need a few simple stretches to help ease some minor pains you're dealing with and aren’t looking for a huge commitment. I get that! Life is busy and to even think about adding another thing on to the todo list feels exhausting already!
But what if I told you by choosing to step into a little discomfort for the sake of a greater gain of restfulness, peace of mind and comfort in your body. By choosing to submit to unfamiliar movements you can overcome much of that pain you hold in your body. That pain that limits you from playing with your kids/grandkids, from enjoying a long summer evening because pain says it’s time to go to bed. This change can happen just by adding intentional stretching and breathing to your wellness plan.
So many times I’ve found myself sitting on the couch, complaining that my back hurts and then remain on the couch in pain. Then there were times when I noticed this pain and chose to get up and do a forward fold, rotate my neck and roll my shoulders and in those postures I was able to gently release the pain I was feeling.
I teach yin yoga because it is a way of releasing pain in the body, by stretching the connective tissues in the body. These tissues; fascia, tendons and ligaments are vital to our continued movement throughout life. When these tissues become cold, hard and dry we are at risk of injury. Yin yoga provides a way to gently and safely stretch these tissues, bring circulation and lubrication to the joints and releases fascial tension.
Yin yoga postures provide a way to bring balance to the body. Just as it will benefit the elder who needs circulation and lubrication to their joints. For the athlete, it provides space to keep growing! Yin yoga was designed to balance the Yang styles of yoga; Hatha, Vinyasa etc.. It was designed to balance fast paced, energetic movement such as cardio, weight lifting, cross fit, hard labor jobs, etc... When our muscles are overworked we compensate because we aren’t rested. We have a hard time being still. Yin provides a time to be still, to reflect and balance the body. For the weight lifter these postures will create more space in the muscle to build. If your muscles are so strong that you can’t straighten your arms you’ve hit a limit. Let’s open up your body with yin yoga and get you to that next goal!
I’m an advocate for others finding the wellness plan that works for them.
Here’s my wellness plan.
My wellness protocol
- get 7-8hrs sleep
- stay hydrated
- choose healthy foods
- limit sugar (choose natural & fruit)
- when I don’t feel good try teas, tinctures and wellness shots first before medication
- ice when knees act up
- foam roll when back hurts
- the list goes on… do you get it?
What is your protocol?
My wellness TEAM
- massage therapist I see for a 2hr massage monthly
- trades with other LMT’s (bodywork/massage)
- Chiropractic care few times a month
- BOHO BEAUTIFUL : yoga & pilates app
- OWN/U : fitness app
Who is on your team? I hope I'm on that list but whether it's me or not I'm here to remind you that you are worth investing time into. Time for self care, digestion of life, release of emotions. You are worth giving yourself these things so you can show up for your life and those you love. I know that if I didn't have my TEAM I wouldn't be able to serve you in all the ways I do. They support me so I can support you.
If you’re not ready for a group class but are interested in yoga, let's book a private session.
Thanks for taking the time to read this!
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